Soracia, Queen of Halves. . .

Soracia Sketch



The Shadow Lady, Soracia. . .

She's an interesting character, no question! The secretive, erotic, brooding, and seemingly all powerful dark sorceress was an early favorite in the book for many readers. I don't want to talk too much about what makes her tick, as I like to reveal her elements bit by bit. She is meant to be a mystery, and the solving of her is fundamental to the developing story line. 

The one element which becomes obvious immediately, is that she has a very deep and by today's standards, what would be considered a somewhat psychotic interest in young Rubel. Her motivation, however, is by no means clear. She's a complex character, and one of the most challenging for me to write by far; and not just because she's immortal. Quinton is immortal and for the most part, he's a breeze. There are many reasons Soracia is difficult to relate to as a writer, but although she requires tremendous contemplation before I am able to key in her lines, I am pleased with how she's turned out so far. There's always at least two or more sub-texts to everything she says or does, and that takes planning! 

Dark Angel

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